Source code for imexam.imexamine

"""Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst.

   This class implements IRAF/imexamine type capabilities
   for providing powerful diagnostic quick-look tools.

   However, the power of this python tool is that it is essentially a library
   of plotting and analysis routines which can be directed towards
   any viewer. It can also be used without connecting to any viewer
   since the calls take only data,x,y information. This means that
   given a data array and a list of x,y positions you can creates
   plots without havin to interact with the viewers.

   Users can also register a custom function with the class
   and have it available for use in either case.

   The plots which are made are fully customizable


from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# turn on interactive mode for plotting
# so that becomes non-blocking
if not plt.isinteractive():

import warnings
import numpy as np
import sys
import logging
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy

from matplotlib import get_backend

from import fits
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval

    from scipy import stats
    scipy_installed = True
except ImportError:
    scipy_installed = False
    print("Scipy not installed, describe stat unavailable")

from . import math_helper
from . import imexam_defpars
from .util import set_logging

if sys.version_info.major < 3:
    PY3 = False
    PY3 = True

# enable display plot in iPython notebook
    from io import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from cString import StringIO

    import photutils
    photutils_installed = True
except ImportError:
    print("photutils not installed, photometry functionality "
          "in imexam() not available")
    photutils_installed = False

__all__ = ["Imexamine"]

[docs]class Imexamine(object): """The imexamine class controls plotting and analysis functions.""" def __init__(self): """do imexamine like routines on the current frame. read the returned cursor key value to decide what to do region_size is the default radius or side of the square for stat info """ self.set_option_funcs() # define the dictionary of keys and functions self._data = np.zeros(0) # the data array self._datafile = "" # the file from which the data came # read from imexam_defpars which contains dicts self._define_default_pars() # default plot name saved with "s" key self.plot_name = "imexam_plot.pdf" # let users have multiple plot windows, the list stores their names self._plot_windows = list() # this contains the name of the current plotting window self._figure_name = "imexam" self._plot_windows.append(self._figure_name) self._reserved_keys = ['q', '2'] # not to be changed with user funcs self._fit_models = ["Gaussian1D", "Moffat1D", "MexicanHat1D", "AiryDisk2D", "Polynomial1D"] # see if the package logger was already started self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.log = set_logging()
[docs] def setlog(self, filename=None, on=True, level=logging.INFO): """Turn on and off logging to a logfile or the screen. Parameters ---------- filename: str, optional Name of the output file to record log information on: bool, optional True by default, turn the logging on or off level: logging class, optional set the level for logging messages, turn off screen messages by setting to logging.CRITICAL """ self.log = set_logging(filename, on, level)
def _close_plots(self): """Make sure to release plot memory at end of exam loop.""" for plot in self._plot_windows: plt.close()
[docs] def close(self): """For use with the Imexamine object standalone.""" self._close_plots() self.log = set_logging(on=False)
[docs] def show_fit_models(self): """Print the available astropy models for plot fits.""""The available astropy models for fitting" "are: {}".format(self._fit_models))
[docs] def set_option_funcs(self): """Define the dictionary which maps imexam keys to their functions. Notes ----- The user can modify this dictionary to add or change options, the first item in the tuple is the associated function the second item in the tuple is the description of what the function does when that key is pressed """ self.imexam_option_funcs = {'a': (self.aper_phot, 'Aperture sum, with radius region_size '), 'j': (self.line_fit, '1D [Gaussian1D default] line fit '), 'k': (self.column_fit, '1D [Gaussian1D default] column fit'), 'm': (self.report_stat, 'Square region stats, in [region_size],default is median'), 'x': (self.show_xy_coords, 'Return x,y,value of pixel'), 'y': (self.show_xy_coords, 'Return x,y,value of pixel'), 'l': (self.plot_line, 'Return line plot'), 'c': (self.plot_column, 'Return column plot'), 'g': (self.curve_of_growth, 'Return curve of growth plot'), 'r': (self.radial_profile, 'Return the radial profile plot'), 'h': (self.histogram, 'Return a histogram in the region around the cursor'), 'e': (self.contour, 'Return a contour plot in a region around the cursor'), 's': (self.save_figure, 'Save current figure to disk as [plot_name]'), 'b': (self.gauss_center, 'Return the 2D gauss fit center of the object'), 'w': (self.surface, 'Display a surface plot around the cursor location'), '2': (self.new_plot_window, 'Make the next plot in a new window'), 't': (self.cutout, 'Make a fits image cutout using pointer location') }
[docs] def print_options(self): """Print the imexam options to screen.""" keys = self.get_options() for key in keys: print("%s\t%s" % (key, self.option_descrip(key)))
[docs] def do_option(self, x, y, key): """Run the imexam option. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the cursor or data point y: int The y location of the cursor or data point key: string The key which was pressed """ self.log.debug("pressed: {0}, {1:s}".format(key, self.imexam_option_funcs[key][0].__name__)) self.imexam_option_funcs[key][0](x, y, self._data)
[docs] def get_options(self): """Return the imexam options as a key list.""" keys = sorted(self.imexam_option_funcs.keys()) return keys
[docs] def option_descrip(self, key, field=1): """Return the looked up dictionary of options. Parameters ---------- key: string The key which was pressed, it relates to the function to call field: int This tells where in the option dictionary the function name can be found """ return self.imexam_option_funcs[key][field]
[docs] def set_data(self, data=np.zeros(0)): """initialize the data that imexamine uses.""" self._data = data
[docs] def set_plot_name(self, filename=None): """set the default plot name for the "s" key. Parameters ---------- filename: string The name which is used to save the current plotting window to a file The extension on the name decides which file type is used """ if filename is None: warnings.warn("No filename provided") else: self.plot_name = filename
[docs] def get_plot_name(self): """return the default plot name.""" return self.plot_name
def _define_default_pars(self): """Set all pars to their defaults, stored in a file with dicts.""" self.aper_phot_def_pars = imexam_defpars.aper_phot_pars self.radial_profile_def_pars = imexam_defpars.radial_profile_pars self.curve_of_growth_def_pars = imexam_defpars.curve_of_growth_pars self.surface_def_pars = imexam_defpars.surface_pars self.line_fit_def_pars = imexam_defpars.line_fit_pars self.column_fit_def_pars = imexam_defpars.column_fit_pars self.contour_def_pars = imexam_defpars.contour_pars self.histogram_def_pars = imexam_defpars.histogram_pars self.lineplot_def_pars = imexam_defpars.lineplot_pars self.colplot_def_pars = imexam_defpars.colplot_pars self.histogram_def_pars = imexam_defpars.histogram_pars self.contour_def_pars = imexam_defpars.contour_pars self.report_stat_def_pars = imexam_defpars.report_stat_pars self.cutout_def_pars = imexam_defpars.cutout_pars self._define_local_pars() def _define_local_pars(self): """Set a copy of the default pars that users can alter.""" self.aper_phot_pars = deepcopy(self.aper_phot_def_pars) self.radial_profile_pars = deepcopy(self.radial_profile_def_pars) self.curve_of_growth_pars = deepcopy(self.curve_of_growth_def_pars) self.surface_pars = deepcopy(self.surface_def_pars) self.line_fit_pars = deepcopy(self.line_fit_def_pars) self.column_fit_pars = deepcopy(self.column_fit_def_pars) self.contour_pars = deepcopy(self.contour_def_pars) self.histogram_pars = deepcopy(self.histogram_def_pars) self.lineplot_pars = deepcopy(self.lineplot_def_pars) self.colplot_pars = deepcopy(self.colplot_def_pars) self.histogram_pars = deepcopy(self.histogram_def_pars) self.contour_pars = deepcopy(self.contour_def_pars) self.report_stat_pars = deepcopy(self.report_stat_def_pars) self.cutout_pars = deepcopy(self.cutout_def_pars)
[docs] def unlearn_all(self): """reset the default parameters for all functions.""" self._define_local_pars()
[docs] def new_plot_window(self, x, y, data=None): """make the next plot in a new plot window. Notes ----- x,y, data, are not used here, but the calls are setup to take them for all imexam options. Is there a better way to do the calls in general? Once the new plotting window is open all plots will be directed towards it. The old window cannot be used again. """ if data is None: data = self._data self._figure_name = "imexam" + str(len(self._plot_windows) + 1) self._plot_windows.append(self._figure_name)"Plots now directed towards {0:s}".format(self._figure_name))
[docs] def plot_line(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """line plot of data at point x. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure object for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data"Line at {0} {1}".format(x, y)) pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if self.lineplot_pars["title"][0] is None: ax.set_title("{0:s} line at {1:d}".format(self._datafile, int(y))) ax.set_xlabel(self.lineplot_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.lineplot_pars["ylabel"][0]) if not self.lineplot_pars["xmax"][0]: xmax = len(data[int(y), :]) else: xmax = self.lineplot_pars["xmax"][0] ax.set_xlim(self.lineplot_pars["xmin"][0], xmax) if self.lineplot_pars["logx"][0]: ax.set_xscale("log") if self.lineplot_pars["logy"][0]: ax.set_yscale("log") if bool(self.lineplot_pars["pointmode"][0]): ax.plot(data[int(y), :], self.lineplot_pars["marker"][0]) else: ax.plot(data[int(y), :]) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def plot_column(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """column plot of data at point y. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure name for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data"Column at {0} {1}".format(x, y)) pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if self.colplot_pars["title"][0] is None: ax.set_title("{0:s} column at {1:d}".format(self._datafile, int(x))) else: ax.set_title(self.colplot_pars["title"][0]) ax.set_xlabel(self.colplot_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.colplot_pars["ylabel"][0]) if not self.colplot_pars["xmax"][0]: xmax = len(data[:, int(x)]) else: xmax = self.colplot_pars["xmax"][0] ax.set_xlim(self.colplot_pars["xmin"][0], xmax) if self.colplot_pars["logx"][0]: ax.set_xscale("log") if self.colplot_pars["logy"][0]: ax.set_yscale("log") if bool(self.colplot_pars["pointmode"][0]): ax.plot(data[:, int(x)], self.colplot_pars["marker"][0]) else: ax.plot(data[:, int(x)]) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def show_xy_coords(self, x, y, data=None): """print the x,y,value to the screen. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on """ if data is None: data = self._data info = "{0} {1} {2}".format(x, y, data[int(y), int(x)])
[docs] def report_stat(self, x, y, data=None): """report the statisic of values in a box with side region_size. The statistic can be any numpy function Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on """ if data is None: data = self._data region_size = self.report_stat_pars["region_size"][0] name = self.report_stat_pars["stat"][0] dist = region_size / 2 xmin = int(x - dist) xmax = int(x + dist) ymin = int(y - dist) ymax = int(y + dist) if (("describe" in name) and (scipy_installed)): try: stat = getattr(stats, "describe") nobs, minmax, mean, var, skew, kurt = stat(data[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].flatten()) pstr = ("[{0:d}:{1:d},{2:d}:{3:d}] {4:s}: \nnobs: " "{5}\nminmax: {6}\nmean {7}\nvariance: {8}\nskew: " "{9}\nkurtosis: {10}".format(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, name, nobs, minmax, mean, var, skew, kurt)) except AttributeError: warnings.warn("Invalid stat specified") else: try: stat = getattr(np, name) pstr = "[{0:d}:{1:d},{2:d}:{3:d}] {4:s}: {5}".format( ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, name, (stat(data[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]))) except AttributeError: warnings.warn("Invalid stat specified")
[docs] def save_figure(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """Save to file the figure that's currently displayed. this is used for the imexam loop, because there is a standard api for the loop Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) ax = fig.gca() fig.savefig(self.plot_name) pstr = "plot saved to {0:s}".format(self.plot_name)
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, fig=None): """Save to file the figure that's currently displayed. this is used for the standalone plotting Parameters ---------- filename: string Name of the file the plot will be saved to. The extension on the filename determines the filetype fig: figure name for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if filename: self.set_plot_name(filename) else: self.set_plot_name(self._figure_name + ".pdf") if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) ax = fig.gca() fig.savefig(self.plot_name) pstr = "plot saved to {0:s}".format(self.plot_name)
[docs] def aper_phot(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """Perform aperture photometry. uses photutils functions, photutils must be available Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure object for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data center = False if not photutils_installed: self.log.warning("Install photutils to enable") else: if self.aper_phot_pars["center"][0]: center = True delta = 10 amp, x, y, sigma, sigmay = self.gauss_center(x, y, data, delta=delta) # XXX TODO: Do I beleive that these all have to be ints? radius = int(self.aper_phot_pars["radius"][0]) width = int(self.aper_phot_pars["width"][0]) inner = int(self.aper_phot_pars["skyrad"][0]) subsky = bool(self.aper_phot_pars["subsky"][0]) outer = inner + width apertures = photutils.CircularAperture((x, y), radius) rawflux_table = photutils.aperture_photometry( data, apertures, subpixels=1, method="center") sky_per_pix = None if subsky: annulus_apertures = photutils.CircularAnnulus( (x, y), r_in=inner, r_out=outer) bkgflux_table = photutils.aperture_photometry( data, annulus_apertures) # to calculate the mean local background, divide the circular # annulus aperture sums by the area fo the circular annulus. # The bkg sum with the circular aperture is then # then mean local background tims the circular apreture area. aperture_area = apertures.area() annulus_area = annulus_apertures.area() bkg_sum = float( (bkgflux_table['aperture_sum'] * aperture_area / annulus_area)[0]) total_flux = rawflux_table['aperture_sum'][0] - bkg_sum sky_per_pix = float( bkgflux_table['aperture_sum'] / annulus_area) else: total_flux = float(rawflux_table['aperture_sum'][0]) # compute the magnitude of the sky corrected flux magzero = float(self.aper_phot_pars["zmag"][0]) mag = magzero - 2.5 * (np.log10(total_flux)) # Construct the output strings (header and parameter values) pheader = "x\ty\tradius\tflux\tmag(zpt={0:0.2f})\t".format(magzero) pstr = "\n{0:.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t".format(x, y, radius, total_flux, mag) if sky_per_pix is not None: pheader += "sky/pix\t" pstr += "{0:0.2f}\t".format(sky_per_pix) if center: pheader += "fwhm(pix)" pstr += "{0:0.2f}".format(math_helper.gfwhm(sigma)[0]) pheader = pheader.expandtabs(15) pstr = pstr.expandtabs(15) # Save the total flux for unit testing things later self.total_flux = total_flux + pstr) if self.aper_phot_pars["genplot"][0]: pfig = fig if fig is None: # Make sure figure is square so round stars look round fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name, figsize=[5, 5]) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = plt.gca() if self.aper_phot_pars["title"][0] is None: title = "x=%.2f, y=%.2f, flux=%.1f, \nmag=%.1f, sky=%.1f" %(x, y, total_flux, mag, sky_per_pix) if center: title += ", fwhm=%.2f" % math_helper.gfwhm(sigma)[0] ax.set_title(title) else: ax.set_title(self.aper_phot_pars["title"][0]) if self.aper_phot_pars['scale'][0] == 'zscale': zs = ZScaleInterval() color_range = zs.get_limits(data) else: color_range = [self.aper_phot_pars['color_min'][0], self.aper_phot_pars['color_max'][0]] pad = outer * 1.2 # XXX TODO: Bad magic number ax.imshow(data[int(y - pad):int(y + pad), int(x - pad):int(x + pad)], vmin=color_range[0], vmax=color_range[1], extent=[int(x - pad), int(x + pad), int(y - pad), int(y + pad)], origin='lower', cmap=self.aper_phot_pars['cmap'][0]) apertures.plot(ax=ax, color='green', alpha=0.75, lw=3) if subsky: annulus_apertures.plot(ax=ax, color='red', alpha=0.75, lw=3) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def line_fit(self, x, y, data=None, form=None, genplot=True, fig=None, col=False): """compute the 1D fit to the line of data using the specified form. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on form: string This is the functional form specified in the line fit parameters see show_fit_models() genplot: bool produce the plot or return the fit fig: figure for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI col: bool (False) Plot column instead of line Notes ----- The background is currently ignored If centering is True in the parameter set, then the center is fit with a 2d gaussian, not performed for Polynomial1D """ # Set which parameters to use if col: pars = self.column_fit_pars else: pars = self.line_fit_pars if data is None: data = self._data if form is None: fitform = getattr(models, pars["func"][0]) else: if form in self._fit_models: fitform = getattr(models, form) else: raise ValueError("Functional form not in available: {}" .format(self._fit_models))"using model: {0}".format(fitform)) # Used for Polynomial1D fitting degree = int(pars["order"][0]) delta = int(pars["rplot"][0]) if delta >= len(data) / 4: # help with small data arrays and defaults delta = delta / 2 delta = int(delta) xx = int(x) yy = int(y) # fit the center with a 2d gaussian if pars["center"][0]: if is not "Polynomial1D": amp, xout, yout, sigma, sigmay = self.gauss_center(xx, yy, data, delta=delta) if (xout < 0 or yout < 0 or xout > data.shape[1] or yout > data.shape[0]): self.log.warning("Problem with centering, " "pixel coords") else: xx = int(xout) yy = int(yout) if col: line = data[:, xx] chunk = line[yy - delta:yy + delta] delta_add = yy - delta else: line = data[yy, :] chunk = line[xx - delta: xx + delta] delta_add = xx - delta # This factor is passed to the fitter if pars["clip"][0]: sig_factor = pars["sigma"][0] else: sig_factor = 0 # fit model to data if is "Gaussian1D": xr = np.arange(len(chunk)) fitted = math_helper.fit_gauss_1d(xr, chunk, sigma_factor=sig_factor) fitted.mean_0.value += delta_add elif is "Moffat1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_moffat_1d(chunk, sigma_factor=sig_factor) fitted.x_0_0.value += delta_add elif is "MexicanHat1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_mex_hat_1d(chunk, sigma_factor=sig_factor) fitted.x_0_0.value += delta_add elif is "Polynomial1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_poly_n(chunk, deg=degree, sigma_factor=sig_factor) if fitted is None: raise ValueError("Problem with the Poly1D fit") elif is "AiryDisk2D": fitted = math_helper.fit_airy_2d(chunk, sigma_factor=sig_factor) if fitted is None: raise ValueError("Problem with the AiryDisk2D fit") fitted.x_0_0.value += (xx - delta) fitted.y_0_0.value += (yy - delta) xline = np.arange(len(chunk)) + delta_add fline = np.linspace(xline[0], xline[-1], 100) # finer sample if is "AiryDisk2D": yfit = fitted(fline, fline * 0 + fitted.y_0_0.value) else: yfit = fitted(fline) # make a plot if pars["title"][0] is None: title = "{0}: {1} {2}".format(self._datafile, int(x), int(y)) else: title = pars["title"][0] if genplot: pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlabel(pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(pars["ylabel"][0]) if pars["logx"][0]: ax.set_xscale("log") if pars["logy"][0]: ax.set_yscale("log") if bool(pars["pointmode"][0]): ax.plot(xline, chunk, 'o', label="data") else: ax.plot(xline, chunk, label="data", linestyle='-') if is "Gaussian1D": fwhmx, fwhmy = math_helper.gfwhm(fitted.stddev_0.value) ax.set_title("{0:s} amp={1:8.2f} mean={2:9.2f}," "fwhm={3:9.2f}".format(title, fitted.amplitude_0.value, fitted.mean_0.value, fwhmx)) pstr = "({0:d},{1:d}) mean={2:9.2f}, fwhm={3:9.2f}".format( int(x), int(y), fitted.mean_0.value, fwhmx) elif is "Moffat1D": mfwhm = math_helper.mfwhm(fitted.alpha_0.value, fitted.gamma_0.value) ax.set_title("{0:s} amp={1:8.2f} fwhm={2:9.2f}".format( title, fitted.amplitude_0.value, mfwhm)) pstr = "({0:d},{1:d}) amp={2:8.2f} fwhm={3:9.2f}".format( int(x), int(y), fitted.amplitude_0.value, mfwhm) elif is "MexicanHat1D": ax.set_title("{0:s} amp={1:8.2f} sigma={2:8.2f}".format( title, fitted.amplitude_0.value, fitted.sigma_0.value)) pstr = "({0:d},{1:d}) amp={2:8.2f} sigma={3:9.2f}".format( int(x), int(y), fitted.amplitude_0.value, fitted.sigma_0.value) elif is "Polynomial1D": ax.set_title("{0:s} degree={1:d}".format(title, degree)) pstr = "({0:d},{1:d}) degree={2:d}".format(int(x), int(y), degree) elif is "AiryDisk2D": ax.set_title("{0:s} amp={1:8.2f} radius={2:8.2f}".format( title, fitted.amplitude_0.value, fitted.radius_0.value)) pstr = "({0:d},{1:d}) amp={2:8.2f} radius={3:9.2f}".format( int(x), int(y), fitted.amplitude_0.value, fitted.radius_0.value) else: warnings.warn("Unsupported functional form specified for fit") raise ValueError ax.plot(fline, yfit, c='r', label=str(fitform.__name__) + " fit") ax.legend() if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw() else: return fitted
[docs] def column_fit(self, x, y, data=None, form=None, genplot=True, fig=None): """Compute the 1d fit to the column of data. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on form: string This is the functional form specified in the column fit parameters genplot: int produce the plot or return the fit model fig: figure name for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI Notes ----- delta is the range of data values to use around the x,y location The background is currently ignored if centering is True, then the center is fit with a 2d gaussian, but this is currently not done for Polynomial1D """ result = self.line_fit(x, y, data=data, form=form, genplot=genplot, fig=fig, col=True) if not genplot: return result
[docs] def gauss_center(self, x, y, data=None, delta=10, sigma_factor=0): """Return the 2d gaussian fit center of the data. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on delta: int The range of data values (bounding box) to use around the x,y location for calculating the center sigma_factor: float, optional The sigma clipping factor to use on the data fit """ if data is None: data = self._data # reset delta for small arrays if delta >= len(data) / 4: delta = delta / 2 delta = int(delta) xx = int(x) yy = int(y) # flipped from xpa chunk = data[yy - delta:yy + delta, xx - delta:xx + delta] try: fit = math_helper.fit_gaussian_2d(chunk, sigma_factor=sigma_factor) amp = fit.amplitude_0.value xcenter = fit.x_mean_0.value ycenter = fit.y_mean_0.value xsigma = fit.x_stddev_0.value ysigma = fit.y_stddev_0.value pstr = "xc={0:4f}\tyc={1:4f}".format( (xcenter + xx - delta), (ycenter + yy - delta)) return (amp, xcenter + xx - delta, ycenter + yy - delta, xsigma, ysigma) except (RuntimeError, UserWarning) as e:"Warning: {0:s}, returning zeros " "for fit".format(str(e))) return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def radial_profile(self, x, y, data=None, form=None, genplot=True, fig=None): """Display the radial profile plot (intensity vs radius) for the object. From the parameters Dictionary: If pixel is True, then every pixel at each radius is plotted. If pixel is False, then the sum of all pixels in integer bins is plotted Background may be subtracted and centering can be done with a 2D Gaussian fit. These options are read from the plot parameters dict. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on form: string The string name of the form of the fit to use genplot: bool Generate the plot if True, else retfurn the fit data """ pars = self.radial_profile_pars subtract_background = bool(pars["background"][0]) if not photutils_installed and subtract_background: self.log.warning("Install photutils to enable " "background subtraction") subtract_background = False if data is None: data = self._data getdata = bool(pars["getdata"][0]) center = pars["center"][0] # be careful with the clipping since most # of the data will be near the low value clip_on = pars["clip"][0] if clip_on: sig_factor = pars["sigma"][0] else: sig_factor = 0 fitplot = bool(pars["fitplot"][0]) if fitplot: if form is None: fitform = getattr(models, pars["func"][0]) else: if form not in self._fit_models: msg = "{0:s} not supported for fitting".format(form) raise ValueError(msg) else: fitform = getattr(models, form) # cut the data down to size and center cutout datasize = int(pars["rplot"][0]) if datasize < 3:"Insufficient pixels, resetting chunk size to 3.") datasize = 3 if center: # reset delta for small arrays # make it odd if it's even if ((datasize % 2) == 0): datasize = datasize + 1 xx = int(x) yy = int(y) # flipped from xpa data_chunk = data[yy - datasize:yy + datasize, xx - datasize:xx + datasize] amp, centerx, centery, sigmax, sigmay = self.gauss_center(xx, yy, data, delta=datasize) else: centery = y centerx = x icenterx = int(centerx) icentery = int(centery) # fractional center, help with precision errors to 1000th pixel xfrac = round(centerx - icenterx, 2) yfrac = round(centery - icentery, 2) # just grab the data box centered on the object data_chunk = data[icentery - datasize:icentery + datasize, icenterx - datasize:icenterx + datasize] y, x = np.indices(data_chunk.shape) # index of all pixels y = y - datasize x = x - datasize r = np.sqrt((x-xfrac)**2 + (y-yfrac)**2) indices = np.argsort(r.flat) # sorted indices if pars["pixels"][0]: flux = data_chunk.ravel()[indices] radius = r.ravel()[indices] else: # sum the flux in integer bins radius = r.ravel()[indices].astype( flux = np.bincount(radius, data_chunk.ravel()[indices]) radbc = np.bincount(radius) flux = flux / radbc radius = np.arange(len(flux)) # Get a background measurement if subtract_background: inner = pars["skyrad"][0] width = pars["width"][0] annulus_apertures = photutils.CircularAnnulus((centerx, centery), r_in=inner, r_out=inner+width) bkgflux_table = photutils.aperture_photometry(data, annulus_apertures) # to calculate the mean local background, divide the circular # annulus aperture sums by the area of the circular annulus. # The bkg sum with the circular aperture is then # the mean local background times the circular apreture area. annulus_area = annulus_apertures.area() sky_per_pix = float(bkgflux_table['aperture_sum'] / annulus_area) # don't add flux if sky_per_pix < 0: sky_per_pix = 0"Sky background negative, setting to zero")"Background per pixel: {0:f}".format(sky_per_pix)) flux -= sky_per_pix if getdata:"Sky per pixel: {0} using " "(rad={1}->{2})".format(sky_per_pix, inner, inner + width)) if getdata: info = "\nat (x,y)={0:f},{1:f}\n".format(centerx, centery), flux) # Fit the functional form to the radial profile flux # TODO: Ignore sky subtracted pixels that push flux # below zero? if fitplot: fline = np.linspace(0, datasize, 100) # finer sample # fit model to data if is "Gaussian1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_gauss_1d(radius, flux, sigma_factor=sig_factor, center_at=0, weighted=True) fwhmx, fwhmy = math_helper.gfwhm(fitted.stddev_0.value) legend = ("Max. pix. flux = {0:9.3f}\n" "amp = {1:9.3f}\n" "fwhm = {2:9.3f}".format(np.max(flux), fitted.amplitude_0.value, fwhmx)) legendx = datasize / 2 legendy = np.max(flux) / 2 elif is "Moffat1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_moffat_1d(flux, sigma_factor=sig_factor, center_at=0, weighted=True) mfwhm = math_helper.mfwhm(fitted.alpha_0.value, fitted.gamma_0.value) legend = ("Max. pix. flux = {0:9.3f}\n" "amp = {1:9.3f}\n" "fwhm = {2:9.3f}".format(np.max(flux), fitted.amplitude_0.value, mfwhm)) legendx = datasize / 2 legendy = np.max(flux) / 2 elif is "MexicanHat1D": fitted = math_helper.fit_mex_hat_1d(flux, sigma_factor=sig_factor, center_at=0, weighted=True) legend = ("Max. pix. flux = {0:9.3f}\n".format(np.max(flux))) legendx = datasize / 2 legendy = np.max(flux) / 2 if fitted is None: msg = "Problem with the {0:s} fit".format( raise ValueError(msg) yfit = fitted(fline) # finish the plot # TODO: users may get error if they use this without a display # and request data back but forget to set genplot=False if genplot: pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if subtract_background: ytitle = ("Flux ( sky/pix = {0:8.2f} )".format(sky_per_pix)) else: ytitle = pars["ylabel"][0] ax.set_xlabel(pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(ytitle) if bool(pars["pointmode"][0]): ax.plot(radius, flux, pars["marker"][0]) else: ax.plot(radius, flux) ax.set_ylim(0,) if pars["title"][0] is None: if fitplot: title = ("Radial Profile at ({0:d},{1:d}) with {2:s}" .format(icenterx, icentery, else: title = "Radial Profile for {0} {1}".format(icenterx, icentery) else: title = pars["title"][0] if fitplot: ax.plot(fline, yfit, linestyle='-', c='r', ax.set_xlim(0, datasize, 0.5) ax.text(legendx, legendy, legend) ax.set_title(title) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw() else: return radius, flux
[docs] def curve_of_growth(self, x, y, data=None, genplot=True, fig=None): """Display a curve of growth plot. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure name for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI Notes ----- the object photometry is taken from photutils """ if not photutils_installed: self.log.warning("Install photutils to enable") else: if data is None: data = self._data delta = 10 # chunk size to find center subpixels = 10 # for line fit later # center using a 2d gaussian if self.curve_of_growth_pars["center"][0]: # pull out a small chunk amp, centerx, centery, sigma, sigmay = \ self.gauss_center(x, y, data, delta=delta) else: centery = y centerx = x centerx = int(centerx) centery = int(centery) # now grab aperture sums going out from that central pixel inner = self.curve_of_growth_pars["buffer"][0] width = self.curve_of_growth_pars["width"][0] router = self.curve_of_growth_pars["rplot"][0] getdata = bool(self.curve_of_growth_pars["getdata"][0]) radius = list() flux = list() rapert = int(router) + 1 for rad in range(1, rapert, 1): aper_flux, annulus_sky, skysub_flux = self._aperture_phot( centerx, centery, data, radsize=rad, sky_inner=inner, skywidth=width, method="exact", subpixels=subpixels) radius.append(rad) if self.curve_of_growth_pars["background"][0]: if inner < router: warnings.warn( "Your sky annulus is inside your \ photometry radius rplot") flux.append(skysub_flux) else: flux.append(aper_flux) if getdata: rapert = np.arange(1, rapert, 1) info = "\nat (x,y)={0:d},{1:d}\nradii:{2}\nflux:{3}".format( int(centerx), int(centery), rapert, flux) if genplot: pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if self.curve_of_growth_pars["title"][0] is None: title = "{0}: {1} {2}".format(self._datafile, int(x), int(y)) else: title = self.curve_of_growth_pars["title"][0] ax.set_xlabel(self.curve_of_growth_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.curve_of_growth_pars["ylabel"][0]) ax.plot(radius, flux, 'o') ax.set_title(title) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw() else: return rapert, flux
def _aperture_phot(self, x, y, data=None, radsize=1, sky_inner=5, skywidth=5, method="subpixel", subpixels=4): """Perform sky subtracted aperture photometry. uses photutils functions, photutil must be installed Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on radsize: int Size of the radius sky_inner: int Inner radius of the sky annulus skywidth: int Width of the sky annulus method: string Pixel sampling method to use subpixels: int How many subpixels to use Notes ----- background is taken from sky annulus pixels, check into masking bad pixels """ if not photutils_installed: self.log.warning("Install photutils to enable") else: if data is None: data = self._data apertures = photutils.CircularAperture((x, y), radsize) rawflux_table = photutils.aperture_photometry( data, apertures, subpixels=1, method="center") outer = sky_inner + skywidth annulus_apertures = photutils.CircularAnnulus( (x, y), r_in=sky_inner, r_out=outer) bkgflux_table = photutils.aperture_photometry( data, annulus_apertures) # to calculate the mean local background, divide the circular # annulus aperture sums # by the area of the circular annulus. The bkg sum within the # circular aperture is then # then mean local background times the circular apreture area. aperture_area = apertures.area() annulus_area = annulus_apertures.area() bkg_sum = ( bkgflux_table['aperture_sum'] * aperture_area / annulus_area)[0] skysub_flux = rawflux_table['aperture_sum'][0] - bkg_sum return ( float(rawflux_table['aperture_sum'][0]), bkg_sum, skysub_flux)
[docs] def histogram(self, x, y, data=None, genplot=True, fig=None): """Calulate a histogram of the data values. Parameters ---------- x: int, required The x location of the object y: int, required The y location of the object data: numpy array, optional The data array to work on genplot: boolean, optional If false, returns the hist, bin_edges tuple fig: figure name for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI Notes ----- This functional originally used the pylab histogram routine for plotting. In order to accomodate returning just the histogram data, this was changed to the numpy histogram, with a subsequent plot if genplot is True. Does not yet support numpy v1.11 strings for bin estimation. """ if data is None: data = self._data deltax = int(self.histogram_pars["ncolumns"][0] / 2.) deltay = int(self.histogram_pars["nlines"][0] / 2.) yf = int(y) xf = int(x) data_cut = data[yf - deltay:yf + deltay, xf - deltax:xf + deltax] # mask data for min and max intensity specified if self.histogram_pars["z1"][0]: mini = float(self.histogram_pars["z1"][0]) else: mini = np.min(data_cut) if self.histogram_pars["z2"][0]: maxi = float(self.histogram_pars["z2"][0]) else: maxi = np.max(data_cut) lt = (data_cut < maxi) gt = (data_cut > mini) total_mask = lt * gt flat_data = data_cut[total_mask].flatten() if not maxi: maxi = np.max(data_cut) if not mini: mini = np.min(data_cut) num_bins = int(self.histogram_pars["nbins"][0]) if genplot: pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if self.histogram_pars["title"][0] is None: title = "{0}: {1} {2}".format(self._datafile, int(x), int(y)) else: title = self.histogram_pars["title"][0] ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(self.histogram_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.histogram_pars["ylabel"][0]) if self.histogram_pars["logx"][0]: ax.set_xscale("log") if self.histogram_pars["logy"][0]: ax.set_yscale("log") n, bins, patches = ax.hist(flat_data, num_bins, range=[mini, maxi], normed=False, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5, histtype='bar')"{0} bins " "range:[{1},{2}]".format(num_bins, mini, maxi)) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw() else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(flat_data, num_bins, range=[mini, maxi], normed=False) return hist, bin_edges
[docs] def contour(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """plot contours in a region around the specified location. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca() if self.contour_pars["title"][0] is None: title = "{0} {1} {2}".format(self._datafile, int(x), int(y)) else: title = self.contour_pars["title"][0] ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(self.contour_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.contour_pars["ylabel"][0]) ncont = self.contour_pars["ncontours"][0] colormap = self.contour_pars["cmap"][0] lsty = self.contour_pars["linestyles"][0]"contour centered at: {0} {1}".format(x, y)) deltax = int(self.contour_pars["ncolumns"][0] / 2.) deltay = int(self.contour_pars["nlines"][0] / 2.) xx = int(x) yy = int(y) data_cut = data[yy - deltay:yy + deltay, xx - deltax:xx + deltax] plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, deltax, 0.5) + x - deltax / 2., np.arange(0, deltay, 0.5) + y - deltay / 2.) C = ax.contour( X, Y, data_cut, ncont, linewidths=.5, colors='black', linestyles=lsty) # make the filled contour ax.contourf(X, Y, data_cut, ncont, alpha=.75, cmap=colormap) if self.contour_pars["label"][0]: ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%5.3f") if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def surface(self, x, y, data=None, fig=None): """plot a surface around the specified location. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on fig: figure for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter if data is None: data = self._data pfig = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(self._figure_name) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(111) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') title = self.surface_pars["title"][0] if title is None: title = "{0}: {1} {2}".format(self._datafile, int(x), int(y)) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(self.surface_pars["xlabel"][0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.surface_pars["ylabel"][0]) if self.surface_pars["zlabel"][0]: ax.set_zlabel("Flux") fancy = self.surface_pars["fancy"][0] deltax = self.surface_pars["ncolumns"][0] deltay = self.surface_pars["nlines"][0] minx = int(x - deltax) if x - deltax > 0 else 0 miny = int(y - deltay) if y - deltay > 0 else 0 maxx = int(x + deltax) if x + deltax < data.shape[-1] else data.shape[0] maxy = int(y + deltay) if y + deltay < data.shape[0] else data.shape[0] X = np.arange(minx, maxx, 1) Y = np.arange(miny, maxy, 1) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) Z = data[miny:maxy, minx:maxx] if self.surface_pars["floor"][0]: zmin = float(self.surface_pars["floor"][0]) else: zmin = np.min(Z) if self.surface_pars["ceiling"][0]: zmax = float(self.surface_pars["ceiling"][0]) else: zmax = np.max(Z) stride = int(self.surface_pars["stride"][0]) if fancy: surf = ax.plot_surface( X, Y, Z, rstride=stride, cstride=stride, cmap=self.surface_pars["cmap"][0], alpha=0.6) else: surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=stride, cstride=stride, cmap=self.surface_pars["cmap"][0], linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')) ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax) if fancy: xmin = minx ymax = maxy cset = ax.contour( X, Y, Z, zdir='z', offset=zmax, cmap=self.surface_pars["cmap"][0]) cset = ax.contour( X, Y, Z, zdir='x', offset=xmin, cmap=self.surface_pars["cmap"][0]) cset = ax.contour( X, Y, Z, zdir='y', offset=ymax, cmap=self.surface_pars["cmap"][0]) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) if self.surface_pars["azim"][0]: ax.view_init(elev=10., azim=float(self.surface_pars["azim"][0])) if pfig is None and 'nbagg' not in get_backend().lower(): plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def cutout(self, x, y, data=None, size=None, fig=None): """Make a fits cutout around the pointer location without wcs. Parameters ---------- x: int The x location of the object y: int The y location of the object data: numpy array The data array to work on size: int The radius of the cutout region fig: figure for redirect Used for interaction with the ginga GUI """ if data is None: data = self._data if size is None: size = self.cutout_pars["size"][0] xx = int(x) yy = int(y) prefix = "cutout_{0}_{1}_".format(xx, yy) fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, suffix=".fits", dir="./")[-1] cutout = data[yy - size:yy + size, xx - size:xx + size] hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(cutout) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist[0].header['EXTEND'] = False hdulist.writeto(fname)"Cutout at ({0},{1}) saved to {2:s}".format(xx, yy, fname))
[docs] def register(self, user_funcs): """register a new imexamine function made by the user as an option. Parameters ---------- user_funcs: dict Contains a dictionary where each key is the binding for the (function,description) tuple Notes ----- The new binding will be added to the dictionary of imexamine functions as long as the key is unique. The new functions do not have to have default dictionaries associated with them. """ if not isinstance(user_funcs, type(dict())): warnings.warn("Your input needs to be a dictionary") for key in user_funcs.keys(): if key in self.imexam_option_funcs.keys(): warnings.warn("{0:s} is not a unique key".format(key)) warnings.warn("{0:s}".format(self.imexam_option_funcs[key])) raise ValueError("{0:s} is not a unique key".format(key)) elif key == 'q': warnings.warn("q is reserved as the quit key") raise ValueError("q is reserved for the quit key") else: func_name = user_funcs[key][0].__name__ self._add_user_function(user_funcs[key][0]) self.imexam_option_funcs[key] = ( self.__getattribute__(func_name), user_funcs[key][1]) "User function: {0:s} added to imexam options with " "key {1:s}".format(func_name, key))
@classmethod def _add_user_function(cls, func): import types if PY3: return setattr(cls, func.__name__, types.MethodType(func, cls)) else: return setattr(cls, func.__name__, types.MethodType(func, None, cls))
[docs] def set_aper_phot_pars(self, user_dict=None): """the user may supply a dictionary of par settings.""" if not user_dict: self.aper_phot_pars = imexam_defpars.aper_phot_pars else: self.aper_phot_pars = user_dict
[docs] def set_radial_pars(self): """set parameters for radial profile plots.""" self.radial_profile_pars = imexam_defpars.radial_profile_pars
[docs] def set_curve_pars(self): """set parameters for curve of growth plots.""" self.curve_of_growth_pars = imexam_defpars.curve_of_growth_pars
[docs] def set_surface_pars(self): """set parameters for surface plots.""" self.surface_pars = imexam_defpars.surface_pars
[docs] def set_line_fit_pars(self): """set parameters for 1D line fit plots.""" self.line_fit_pars = imexam_defpars.line_fit_pars
[docs] def set_column_fit_pars(self): """set parameters for 1D line fit plots.""" self.column_fit_pars = imexam_defpars.column_fit_pars
[docs] def set_contour_pars(self): """set parameters for contour plots.""" self.contour_pars = imexam_defpars.contour_pars
[docs] def set_histogram_pars(self): """set parameters for histogram plots.""" self.histogram_pars = imexam_defpars.histogram_pars
[docs] def set_lineplot_pars(self): """set parameters for line plots.""" self.lineplot_pars = imexam_defpars.lineplot_pars
[docs] def set_colplot_pars(self): """set parameters for column plots.""" self.colplot_pars = imexam_defpars.colplot_pars
[docs] def set_cutout_pars(self): """set parameters for cutout images.""" self.cutout_pars = imexam_defpars.cutout_pars
[docs] def reset_defpars(self): """set all pars to their defaults.""" self._define_pars()