imexam.connect Module

This is the main controlling class, it allows the user to connect to the viewer and the imexamine classes


Connect([target, path, viewer, wait_time, …])

Connect to a display device to look at and examine images.

imexam.imexamine Module

Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst.

This class implements IRAF/imexamine type capabilities for providing powerful diagnostic quick-look tools.

However, the power of this python tool is that it is essentially a library of plotting and analysis routines which can be directed towards any viewer. It can also be used without connecting to any viewer since the calls take only data,x,y information. This means that given a data array and a list of x,y positions you can creates plots without havin to interact with the viewers.

Users can also register a custom function with the class and have it available for use in either case.

The plots which are made are fully customizable



The imexamine class controls plotting and analysis functions.

imexam.ds9_viewer Module

Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

This class supports communication with DS9 through the XPA

Some code in this class was adapted from pysao, which can be found at Specifically this package used the existing Cython implementation to the XPA and extended the calls to the other available XPA executables so that more functionality is added. The API information is available here:

Using Cython will allow for broader development of the code and produce faster runtimes for large datasets with repeated calls to the display manager.

XPA is licensed under MIT, help can be found here:

The current XPA can be downloaded from here:


ds9([target, path, wait_time, quit_ds9_on_del])

Control all interactions between the user and the DS9 window.

imexam.ginga_viewer Module

Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

This class supports communication with a Ginga-based viewer. For default key and mouse shortcuts in a Ginga window, see:


ginga([exam, close_on_del, logger, port, …])

A ginga-based viewer that displays to an HTML5 widget in a browser.

ginga_general([exam, close_on_del, logger, port])

A base class which controls all interactions between the user and the ginga widget.